For anyone new to this blog, the idea is simple - each day my boys (Joshua - 9 and Archie - 8) choose a stimulus that drives the learning. We hope that you enjoy the blog and can take some inspiration from what we love doing - making learning as engaging as possible!

Things we miss
With lockdown relaxing and schools reopening their doors, for many, there will be a great deal of anxiety in the air. Today's session is all about tuning in to the things we miss - the things we will soon be able to enjoy once more.
We hope you enjoy.
List poetry
Personal reflection
Emotions / feelings
It has been a real honour to work with the Talk for Writing team, creating home-schooling booklets to support schools and families during these challenging times. As part of his recent Year 3 booklet, fellow Talk for Writing trainer, Dean Thompson, encourages children to write a list poem about the things that they didn't know they would miss. You can download the entire unit here, as well as many many more:
Having brainstormed a list of the things we missed about school, I showed the boys how to create a poem, drawing on our own feelings and experiences. This was based on the fabulous model that you can also read in the booklet. I think that it is really important that we engage our children with this style of writing as we approach the potential of returning to school. Seeing the boys talk fondly about school was a real joy.
To create your own poem, all you need is the repeating line: I didn't know I'd miss –
I didn't know I'd miss

I didn't know I'd miss –
the sound of the playground,
full of laughter and happiness.
I didn't know I'd miss –
welcoming the children in the morning,
seeing their warm smiles and bright smiles.
I didn't know I'd miss –
chatting to parents before and after school,
sharing stories and highlights of the day.
I didn't know I'd miss –
walking the corridors,
feeling the buzz of enthusiasm in the air.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the banter in the staff room,
people I adore, laughing and unwinding.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the challenge of deep thought,
inspiring new and incredible ideas.
I didn't know I'd miss –
picking up the class novel,
transporting keen faces to incredible lands.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the school library,
full of wonder.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the pride that swells inside
as I welcome visitors to our school.
I didn't know I'd miss –
green - the doors, pegs, blinds:
the Warren world.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the love of learning;
the joy of accomplishment.
I didn't know I'd miss –
my friends, those who guide
and inspire young minds.
I didn't know I'd miss –
that end of the day feeling
when the school falls silent.
I cannot wait –
to be back,
to miss no more.
© Jamie Thomas 2020

I didn't know I'd miss by Archie
I didn't know I'd miss –
sitting in my classroom
choosing my maths challenge.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the smell of fish and chips
every Friday afternoon.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the school library,
learning more and more.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the playground,
running round and playing new games.
I didn't know I'd miss –
my football club,
shooting and scoring.
I didn't know I'd miss –
everyone singing in assembly,
standing up beautifully doing the best job.
I didn't know I'd miss –
my school carpet,
cozy and comfy.
I can not wait –
to be back
to miss no more.

I didn't know I'd miss by Joshua
I didn't know I'd miss – my lovely teacher.
I didn't know I'd miss –
my warm classroom
with all my friends inside.
I didn't know I'd miss –
the ear-splitting fire alarm.
I didn't know I'd miss –
my old glasses.
I didn't know I'd miss –
fish and chips for lunch on Fridays.
I didn't know I'd miss –
my playground
made out of gravel.
And I can't wait
and start a new year
with Miss Self.

If you are enjoying this blog, please do share it and spread the word. Thank you to all of you who have got in touch and shared some of the outcomes from what you have tried - we love to hear from you.
Do tune in tomorrow, where we exploring:
My thanks to Pie Corbett, Julia Strong and the Talk for Writing team for inspiring many of the ideas explored in this blog.
This blog is copyright. All materials herein, texts and supporting resources are copyright to Jamie Thomas & Talk for Writing. They may be used to support children/staff/parents in home-learning ONLY and not for commercial gain or for training or sharing widely, in their original form or any variations. They must also not be shared online or on any social media platforms without prior permission.