For anyone new to this blog, the idea is simple - each day my boys (Joshua - 9 and Archie - 8) choose a stimulus that drives the learning. We hope that you enjoy the blog and can take some inspiration from what we love doing - making learning as engaging as possible!

World Emoji Day
Today is World Emoji Day. The word emoji comes from the Japanese for e (picture) + moji (character). They have become such an everyday thing, popping up in texts, emails and web pages - we just had to use them as today's inspiration.
We hope you enjoy!
List poetry
Abstract nouns
Language linked to emotion and mood
This is the third blog in which we have explored emotions and feelings. I think it is such an important topic to use in writing, especially given the nature of the position we find ourselves all in through lockdown. Having the opportunity to discuss the variety of emotions we feel is such an essential thing for us to do with children.
Previously, we have used emotions to create new places and worlds:
We have also explored the concept of empathy:
We began today's session with a brainstorm of emotions / feelings (abstract nouns), using the emoji board as a stimulus to generate ideas:

We then linked them to a colour we associated with them. After that, we brainstormed any actions, events or describing language we associated with each emotion:

We then revisited a favourite activity of mine, writing in the style of Kit Wright's The Magic Box. You can see Kit read his poem here:
Our adaptation of this poem is to begin by tying together the colour and emotion. For example:
In the yellow boy of joy I found...
I also explained that we could draw on all of the senses:
I found...
I saw...
I heard...
I felt...
I tasted...
I wondered...
Here is my model for the boys:

The Box of Emotion
In the yellow boy of joy I found
parties of people, dancing, spinning,
laughing and singing.
In the blue box of sadness I saw
pearled tears, trickling down weathered faces,
empty vases, trapped souls.
In the rainbow box of happiness I saw
a spectrum of smiles, beaming brightly,
laughter, tickling the grumpiest frown.
In the red box of anger I heard
bitter, twisted lies,
uncontrollable frustration, fuming,
spite tainted words.
In the beige box of worry I felt
trembling hands, clammy to touch,
cracked, chapped lips,
eyes pained with fatigue.
In the pink box of love I felt
the comfort of a warm embrace.
In the green box of sickness I smelt
an acrid air of unease,
feverish fear,
endless self-pity.
In the orange box of warmth I saw
a chromatic sunrise kissing the horizon,
the start of a new day.
© Jamie Thomas 2020

The Box of Emotion by Archie
In the red box of anger I found
mad mean faces
staring at their clenched fists tightening.
In the rainbow box of happiness I found
delicious sweets and chocolates
growing as big as a hot air balloon.
In the yellow box of joy I found
lovely laughter
continuously singing
as brilliant as can be.
In the black box of fatigue I heard
lazy snores
slowly and sleepily snoozing.
In the blue box of sadness I found
tears dripping from sorrowful faces,
louder than an elephant's cry.

The Box of Emotion by Joshua
In the rainbow box of happiness
gingerbread houses stack to the ceilings,
gingerbread men and women run
and jump like a dancing deer.
In the black box of fatigue
sleep falls out of weary eyes,
zombies walk weirdly,
mummies slowly unwrap their bandages.
In the purple box of cheekiness I see
tongues as long as elephants trunks,
naughty monkeys swinging on vines,
little brothers pretending to be spies.

We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading our blogs. Knowing so many of you have been tuning in and using many of the ideas we have explored has kept us motivated and inspired each and every day - so thank you! We hope to continue to post the odd blog here and there when the moment seems right. However, for now this is the end of term. Happy holidays everyone!
My thanks to Pie Corbett, Julia Strong and the Talk for Writing team for inspiring many of the ideas explored in this blog.
This blog is copyright. All materials herein, texts and supporting resources are copyright to Jamie Thomas & Talk for Writing. They may be used to support children/staff/parents in home-learning ONLY and not for commercial gain or for training or sharing widely, in their original form or any variations. They must also not be shared online or on any social media platforms without prior permission.